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The Archdiocesan Human Life Committee, Archdiocese of Bombay, annually on Prolife Day and at other Pro-life events appreciates individuals / institutions / social organisations / NGO’s who are involved in pro-life work, reaching out to disadvantaged human beings and uplifting marginalized communities. They are heralded as Pro-life heroes, and publicly acknowledged and recognized for their contribution to society in upholding the dignity of human life.


The Archdiocesan Human Life Committee has instituted three awards:

1. Lily and Rose Award.

2. Sr. M. Annunciata RGS Golden Jubilee Award.

3. The Kevin and Hilda Prolife Award


The Lily and Rose Award:

It was instituted by the Archdiocesan Human Life Committee in the year 2000. It was created to appreciate and award any member of the laity or clergy in the Bombay diocese who worked or showed exemplary service in the Pro-life Ministry.

The first recipient of this award was Mr. Kevin Fernandes who under the banner of Abundant Life Education and Research Trust, (ALERT) organised programmes for young adults creating awareness against Abortion and its evil effects. He was presented this award in the year 2000 at the 7th Asia Pacific Congress held in Mumbai.  Other recipients of the award are late Dr. Eustace De Souza, late Mr. Errol Fernandes in 2005, and Sr. M Annunciata in 2006. Some of the recent recipients of the Lily and Rose award are:

Missionaries of Charity - 2014

International Justice Mission:  work done in Human trafficking - 2015

Fr. Rocky Banz of the health promotion trust: for work done in the field of healthcare - 2016

Mary's Clan: for work done for Alcoholics - 2017

Bishop Agnelo Gracias: for his dedication to the Prolife cause - 2018


The Sr. M. Annunciata RGS Golden Jubilee Award:

This award was instituted by her devoted brother Dr Anthony J Sequeira, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of her profession as a Religious of the Good Shepherd in the year 2007. She had spent much of her time in Bangalore doing prolife work, creating awareness in schools, colleges and parishes and working with a secular NGO called ‘Respect for Life’.   The first recipient of this award was Dr Sanjay Oak, then Dean of KEM Hospital. He was well known for his Pro-life outreach to several people who came to the hospital. One year the award was presented to the Nursing staff that cared for Aruna Shanbhag who lived in a comatose condition for 35 years. Other recent recipients of the award are:

1 .Fr. Joe Pereira in 2013 for his work at Kripa Foundation.

2. Rev Fr. Cedric Prakash in 2014 for his commitment and work for human rights.

3. Francin Pinto, Garbage Concerns India, for Protection and Restoration of Environment - 2015

4. Dr. Sheilu Sreenivasan, Founder President of the Dignity Foundation for work done with Senior Citizens - 2016

5. Dr. Armida Fernandes, for Palliative Care - 2017

6. Vally and Anna Coelho, for promotion of the Prolife Cause through NFP - 2018


The Kevin and Hilda Prolife award:

This award was instituted by the Family of Faith Foundation in the year 2015, in memory of Hilda and Kevin Fernandes, a gentle, Prolife couple, who fought the good fight of faith to defend the unborn and propagate the cause of life.  Some of the recent recipients of the Kevin and Hilda Prolife Awards are:


Essay competition 2014

Rhea Figueredo 1st prize

Anisha Thomas  2nd prize

Aloysius Savio Dias 3rd prize


Exemplary work in Nursing care 2015:

Lynda Silveira - - Holy Family Hospital

Juliana D'Souza - Holy Spirit Hospital


Work done in Preventing farmers suicides 2016:

Manav Shakti Sanstha


For work done with the mentally handicapped 2017:

Adhar Lifetime Shelter for the mentally handicapped

© 2022 Archdiocesan Human Life Committee 

Archdiocese of Bombay

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