Moral Questions & the Church Resp.CONTRACEPTION What's so wrong about contraception that it's a mortal sin? Isn't the Church interested in the well being of people and the nation ? A...
Moral Questions & the Church Resp.EUTHANASIA Euthanasia is mercy on the person who is suffering and has no money to pay for treatment. Why is the Church against it? God alone is...
Moral Questions & the Church Resp. IVF & SURROGACYIVF & Surrogacy are life giving. Why has the prolife Catholic Church declared these procedures gravely immoral or mortal sins? Each and...
Moral Questions & the Church Resp.ABORTIONWhy is abortion such a big deal for the Catholic Church? Shouldn't the Church be compassionate to the suffering mother in the case of...
Moral Questions & the Church Resp.HOMOSEXUALITYWhy are gay marriages banned by the Catholic Church? Doesn't a person have a right to live and love in the way he or she was created? Are...