13 - 15 October 2017
Theme: Understanding Amoris Laetitia
AHLC in conjunction with the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI), Conference of Catholic Bishops of India - Doctrine (CCBI) and Federation Internationale des Associations Medicales Catholiques (FIAMC), played a major role in this Conference. Present at the Symposium were His Eminence, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop Anil Couto and Bishops Gerald Almeida, Lawrence Pius, Dominic Savio, John Rodriques and Allwyn D’Silva with the Apostolic Nuncio’s representative. Over three hundred and fifty delegates comprising priests, nuns and laity all over India listened with rapt attention to the messages of Amoris Laetitia in its entire dimension.
The Director of DHLC, Mrs. Ninette Lobo was one of the keynote speakers on the day. AHLC presented the Kevin and Hilda Award on the penultimate day of the Conference to Adhar Foundation specializing in housing the mentally handicapped of all ages.